Dental Implants

How Dental Implants Rebuild Jaw Strength

Dec 15 • 1 minute read

Dental implants provide an array of benefits for patients who have one or more missing teeth. Although their main function is to replace these teeth and restore comfortable function, they also positively impact the health and strength of your jaw.

At City Place Dental, we provide dental implant treatment results in a beautiful, lasting smile.

Bone Density and Tooth Loss

Jawbone health and volume is dependent on stimulation from natural teeth. When you lose teeth, whether one or more, jaw bone greatly reduces over time, a process known as bone resorption. The loss of tooth roots leads to the lack of support needed to sustain the density of jaw bone. You may replace these missing teeth with dentures or bridges, but they do not replace the necessary roots. Jawbone loss leads to the appearance of hollowed cheeks and an overall pre-maturely aged facial appearance.

Dental implants replace the missing tooth roots and restore bone density. Once placed into the jaw, they stimulate the surrounding tissue, encouraging the growth of hard tissue. This treatment creates a stable foundation to fully support your chosen restoration.

Natural Materials that Support Jawbone Health

Implant posts are fabricated using the highest quality materials with biocompatibility in mind. Dental implants are created out of titanium, making them durable and allowing for easy integration with surrounding tissue. The melding of the posts and the jawbone is required when restoring the health and density of jawbone. Dental implants ensure restored jawbone has a viable support system to use as it strengthens over time.

During dental implant treatment, your dentists determine the amount dental implants needed and how much time is required to integrate with the jawbone. During this time period, tissue density increases and prevents further bone resorption. After the healing period has passed, your final restoration can be attached to the implant post and abutment, resulting in a sturdy and long-lasting tooth replacement.

Ask Dr. Achikeh about Jawbone Strength and Dental Implants!

At City Place Dental, Dr. Achikeh and his experienced team provide effective dental implant treatments using the latest in dental technology. For more information about restoring your bone strength and replacing missing teeth, contact our practice today to schedule an implant consultation!


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